In March 2024, Team Liquid released an exclusive apparel collection in collaboration with celebrated anime Death Note, one of the most influential animes that has aired and still inspires fashion choices to this day. While the two brands may initially feel at odds, Death Note at its core is about a game between two top tier players—something that Team Liquid understands very well.
In order to get Death Note AND Team Liquid fans to love and buy our Death Note apparel collection, we leaned into a uniquely gothic aesthetic of the anime in a compelling way that feels true to the source materials & Team Liquid.
The final campaign played into the look of red shinigami eyes and gothic paper textures referencing the Death Note for a scroll-stopping photo campaign across multiple social platforms. Audience reception praised the true-to-source transformation of original IP, memes came to light, sales were made. After all, this was collection so good you’d spend half of your lifespan to get it.
my role
As Creative Lead for the marketing campaign, I concepted & pitched ideas to stakeholders, and oversaw creative execution. I was involved in model selection, styled the apparel worn for the shoot, directed photography, and produced advertisements.
video credit: ant p., nicole L., daryl c., nick k.
say hi anytime at collaborate@tiff.pw